About Enhancer

Enhancer ID: E_02_181
Enhancer symbol: --
Species: Mouse
Position : chr18:69656860-69683465
Biosample name: HoxB8-FL cells
Experiment class : Low+High throughput
Enhancer type: Super-Enhancer
Disease: --
DO: --
Mesh: --
Distance from TSS: >2KB
Pubmed ID:  27986456
Enhancer experiment: ATAC-seq
Enhancer experiment description: ATAC-Seq analysis of Tcf4 locus in primary DCs. Shown are ATAC-Seq peaks across ~1.5 Mb of the Tcf4 locus; indicated are proximal promoters of Tcf4L (green) and Tcf4S (purple), the 3′ enhancer (orange) and the cluster of 5′ regulatory elements (yellow). In this and subsequent panels, the scale was adjusted between different samples based on signals from housekeeping genes.We analyzed the 3′ region by ChIP during the differentiation of HoxB8-FL cells. Histone modifications associated with active enhancers, including histone 3 lysine 4 monomethylation (H3K4me1) and lysine 27 acetylation (H3K27ac), were induced in this region on day 4, i.e. at the onset of pDC differentiation (Fig. 5D).

About Target gene

Target gene : Tcf4(5730422P05Rik,ASP-I2,E2-2,E2.2,ITF-2,ITF-2b,ITF2,ME2,MITF-2A,MITF-2B,SEF-2,SEF2,SEF2-1,TFE,Tcf-4,bHLHb19)
Strong evidence: CRISPR/Cas9
Less strong evidence: ChIP-seq,ATAC-seq
Target gene experiment description: ChIP analysis of histone modifications (H3K4me1 and H3K27ac) and of TCF4 binding to the 3′ Enhancer in differentiating HoxB8-FL cells.

About TF

TF name : Tcf4(E2-2,FECD3,ITF-2,ITF2,PTHS,SEF-2,SEF2,SEF2-1,SEF2-1A,SEF2-1B,SEF2-1D,TCF-4,bHLHb19)
TF experiment: qRT-PCR
TF experiment description: By qRT-PCR, Tcf4S was prominently expressed in pDCs but also present in other cell types including B cells and cDCs.

About Function

Enhancer function : A conserved Enhancer downstream of Tcf4 was required for its upregulation during pDC differentiation, revealing a positive feedback loop
Enhancer function experiment: qRT-PCR,CRISPR/Cas9
Enhancer function
experiment description:
By qRT-PCR, Tcf4S was prominently expressed in pDCs but also present in other cell types including B cells and cDCs

About SNP

SNP ID: --
SNP position: --
SNP experiment: --

Enhancer associated network

The number on yellow line represents the distance between enhancer and target gene

Expression of target genes for the enhancer

Enhancer associated SNPs