About Enhancer

Enhancer ID: E_02_002
Enhancer symbol: --
Species: Mouse
Position : chr7:126406352-126406616
Biosample name: B Cell,T Cell
Experiment class : Low throughput
Enhancer type: Enhancer
Disease: --
DO: --
Mesh: --
Distance from TSS: <2KB
Pubmed ID:  18552207
Enhancer experiment: Luciferase Reporter Assay,ChIP
Enhancer experiment description: Transient transfection assays in different mouse cell lines. A mouse Cd19 promoter reporter construct (_x005f_x005f_x005f_x005f_x005f_x005f_x005F_x005f_x005F_x005f_x005F_x005f_x005F_x005f_x005F_x005f_x005F_x005f_x005F_x005f_x005F_x005f_x005F_x005f_x005F_x005f_x005F_x005f_x005F_x005f_x005F_x005f_x005F_x005f_x005F_x005f_x005F_x005f_x005F_x005f_x005F_x005f_x005F_x005f_x005F_x005f_x005F_x005f_x005F_x0007_7 to _x005F_x0007_200 bp; e) or a construct containing the _x0007_2 kb DHS (_x0007_1832 to _x0007_2096 bp) combined with the Cd19 promoter (f) was transiently transfected into various cell lines. The relative activity was determined as the luciferase activity of each construct over control vector pXPG. Data represent the mean of 2 to 4 experiments performed in triplicate

About Target gene

Target gene : Cd19(B4,CVID3)
Strong evidence: --
Less strong evidence: ChIP
Target gene experiment description: As previously reported in human cells, the promoter was active in all analyzed cell types (Figure 1C white bars). In contrast, the _x005F_x0007_2 kb DHS had enhancer activity only in B cells (Figure 1C black bars), providing evidence that this enhancer is involved in the regulation of tissue specific expression of Cd19.

About TF

TF name : Tcf3(A1,AA408400,ALF2,AW209082,E12,E12/E47,E2A,E47,KA1,ME2,Pan1,Pan2,TCF-3,Tcfe2a,VDIR,bHLHb21)Ebf1(COE1,EBF,O/E-1,OLF1)Pax5(ALL3,BSAP)
TF experiment: ChIP,DMS Footprinting Assay
TF experiment description: We performed an in vivo DMS footprinting assay to answer the question of which transcription factors bind to the Cd19 promoter and enhancer.The specific binding of these proteins was confirmed by ChIP analysis, demonstrating that EBF and PAX5 bound to the enhancer in B cells and that E2A bound in B and T cells.

About Function

Enhancer function : Enhancer is involved in the regulation of tissue specific expression of Cd19
Enhancer function experiment: Transfection
Enhancer function
experiment description:
As previously reported in human cells, the promoter was active in all analyzed cell types (Figure 1C white bars). In contrast, the -2 kb DHS had Enhancer activity only in B cells (Figure 1C black bars), providing evidence that this Enhancer is involved in the regulation of tissue specific expression of Cd19.

About SNP

SNP ID: --
SNP position: --
SNP experiment: --

Enhancer associated network

The number on yellow line represents the distance between enhancer and target gene

Expression of target genes for the enhancer

Enhancer associated SNPs