About Enhancer

Enhancer ID: E_01_150
Enhancer symbol: --
Species: Human
Position : chr15:37116298-37122452
Biosample name: Embryonic Stem Cell
Experiment class : Low+High throughput
Enhancer type: Enhancer
Disease: --
DO: --
Mesh: --
Distance from TSS: >2KB
Pubmed ID:  24374176
Enhancer experiment: ChIP-qPCR,ChIP-seq,ChIP
Enhancer experiment description: Based on these results, we identified sequence d as a MB Meis2 enhancer, and hereafter designate it as MBE. We went on to look for accumulation of histone H3K27 acetylation (H3K27ac) and H3K4 monomethylation (H3K4me1), which demarcate active and potential enhancers, respectively, at MBE by ChIP-seq.

About Target gene

Target gene : MEIS2(CPCMR,HsT18361,MRG1)
Strong evidence: --
Less strong evidence: ChIP-qPCR,ChIP-seq
Target gene experiment description: In wild-type mice, Meis2 showed distinctive expres_x0002_sion patterns at 11.5 dpc in FB, MB, pharyngeal arches, spinal cord, neural crest, and somites. In Ring1 mutants, however,we found atypical derepression of Meis2 in facial and cephalic mesenchyme, heart primordium, LM, and somatic mesoderm,coupled with its downregulation in FB and MB (Figure 1C). These results indicate that PcG is involved in both repression and activation of Meis2 in a tissue-specific manner.

About TF

TF experiment: ChIP-qPCR,ChIP-seq
TF experiment description: RING1B ChIP-seq data (GSE48464) over 10 Mb of the mouse genome (mm9) around Meis2 in FB,MB, and LM at 11.5 dpc.Binding of H3K27ac and RING1B in 11.5 dpc MB of WT and Ring1 mutant (Ring1 mut) revealed by ChIP-quantitative PCR (ChIP-qPCR) analysis.

About Function

Enhancer function : --
Enhancer function experiment: --
Enhancer function
experiment description:

About SNP

SNP ID: --
SNP position: --
SNP experiment: --

Enhancer associated network

The number on yellow line represents the distance between enhancer and target gene

Expression of target genes for the enhancer

Enhancer associated SNPs