About Enhancer

Enhancer ID: E_01_078
Enhancer symbol: --
Species: Human
Position : chr8:128749415-128750415
Biosample name: HCT 116
Experiment class : Low+High throughput
Enhancer type: Enhancer
Disease: Colorectal Cancer
DO: DOID:9256
Mesh: D015179
Distance from TSS: <2KB
Pubmed ID:  21533051
Enhancer experiment: ChIP,PCR,ChIP-seq
Enhancer experiment description: A diagram of novel ß-catenin binding regions (labeled A through F) and characterized Wnt responsive enhancers (labeled 5′ WRE and 3′ WRE) that were identified in the screen.Real-time PCR analysis of DNA elements precipitated using ß-catenin specific antibodies in ChIP assays conducted in HCT116 (black bars) or HEK293 (gray bars).

About Target gene

Target gene : MYC(MRTLC,bHLHe39,c-Myc)
Strong evidence: q3C
Less strong evidence: --
Target gene experiment description: Using quantitative chromatin conformation capture, I show that the distal WREs are aligned with the MYC promoter through large chromatin loops.

About TF

TF name : TCF4(E2-2,FECD3,ITF-2,ITF2,PTHS,SEF-2,SEF2,SEF2-1,SEF2-1A,SEF2-1B,SEF2-1D,TCF-4,bHLHb19)
TF experiment: ChIP-seq
TF experiment description: In the present study, I characterize five novel β-catenin/TCF4 binding sites that were identified using a ChIP-Seq screen for β-catenin binding regions in the human HCT116 colon cancer cell line.

About Function

Enhancer function : The architecture of the MYC promoter is comprised of distal elements.
Enhancer function experiment: 3C
Enhancer function
experiment description:
These findings suggest that the architecture of the MYC promoter is comprised of distal elements that are juxtaposed through large chromatin loops and that ?-catenin/TCF4 complexes utilize this conformation to activate MYC expression in colon cancer cells.

About SNP

SNP ID: rs6983267
SNP position: 128413305
SNP experiment: qRT-PCR,3C

Enhancer associated network

The number on yellow line represents the distance between enhancer and target gene

Expression of target genes for the enhancer

Enhancer associated SNPs