
Statistics of chromatin accessibility data

Number of chromatin accessibility samples: 1,493
Number of accessible chromatin regions: 52,078,883

Statistics of annotation

Common SNP number: 38,063,729 eQTL number: 2,886,133
Risk SNP number: 264,514 Super-enhancer number: 331,146
Typical-enhancer number: 6,629,274 Methylation site number: 30,392,523
Interaction number: 29,920,872 TAD number: 74,432
LD SNPs (AFR population): 48,189,928 LD SNPs (AMR population): 58,801,102
LD SNPs (EAS population): 55,755,622 LD SNPs (EUR population): 58,128,950
LD SNPs (SAS population): 57,369,834

Statistics plot

Statistics of samples

Accessible chromatin sample number: 1,493
Super-enhancer sample number: 542
Interaction sample number: 292