About Enhancer

Enhancer ID: E_01_147
Enhancer symbol: --
Species: Human
Position : chr3:188892648-189232665
Biosample name: B-Cell Lymphoma Cell Lines
Experiment class : Low+High throughput
Enhancer type: Enhancer
Disease: Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma
DO: DOID:0050745
Mesh: D016403
Distance from TSS: >2KB
Pubmed ID:  24332044
Enhancer experiment: ChIP-seq,ChIP-qPCR
Enhancer experiment description: As predicted, BRD4 load is asymmetrically distributed throughout the genome at enhancer sites. Completely unexpected is the magnitude by which BRD4 load varies among active enhancer regions (Figure 4E). Only a small subset of BRD-loaded enhancers, 285/18330(1.6%), account for 32% of all of the BRD4 enhancer binding in the cell.The BRD4-loaded enhancers in the Ly1 DLBCL cell line are considerably larger than typical enhancer elements, resembling the super-enhancers we recently described with Richard Young.

About Target gene

Target gene : BCL6(BCL5A,LAZ3,ZBTB27,ZNF51,BCL6)
Strong evidence: --
Less strong evidence: ChIP-seq
Target gene experiment description: Notably, the top two gene loci with BRD4-loaded enhancers, POU2AF1 (which encodes the OCA-B transcriptional co-activator protein) and BCL6, and additional genes with disproportionally BRD4-loaded enhancers such as PAX5 and IRF8 (Figure 4E), are essential for B-cell fate determination and germinal center formation.

About TF

TF name : E2F1(E2F-1,RBAP1,RBBP3,RBP3)
TF experiment: ChIP-seq,ChIP-qPCR
TF experiment description: Then, we assessed the genome-wide localization of E2F1 and the representative BET protein, BRD4, also by ChIP-Seq using the respective antibodies. Rank-ordering of all transcriptionally active promoters based on H3K4me3 enrichment and RNA Pol II occupancy identifies pervasive binding of BRD4 and E2F1 to active promoter elements.

About Function

Enhancer function : These super-Enhancers prove particularly sensitive to bromodomain inhibition,explaining the selective effect of BET inhibitors on oncogenic and lineage-specific transcriptional circuits.
Enhancer function experiment: ChIP-seq,ChIP-qPCR
Enhancer function
experiment description:
These super-enhancers prove particularly sensitive to bromodomain inhibition, explaining the selective effect of BET inhibitors on oncogenic and lineage-specific transcriptional circuits. Functional study of genes marked by super-enhancers identifies DLBCLs dependent on OCA-B and suggests a strategy for discovering unrecognized cancer dependencies.

About SNP

SNP ID: --
SNP position: --
SNP experiment: --

Enhancer associated network

The number on yellow line represents the distance between enhancer and target gene

Expression of target genes for the enhancer

Enhancer associated SNPs