About Enhancer

Enhancer ID: E_01_068
Enhancer symbol: --
Species: Human
Position : chr21:36141738-36142821
Biosample name: Acute T-Cell Leukaemia Cell
Experiment class : Low throughput
Enhancer type: Enhancer
Disease: --
DO: --
Mesh: --
Distance from TSS: >2KB
Pubmed ID:  21445863
Enhancer experiment: Luciferase Reporter Assay,PCR
Enhancer experiment description: To test the putative enhancer activity of RE1 and RE2, we made a number of genetic constructs with a pGL4--Basic vector, which contains the firefly Luciferase gene.

About Target gene

Target gene : RUNX1(BTEB2,CKLF,IKLF)
Strong evidence: --
Less strong evidence: Luciferase Reporter Assay
Target gene experiment description: The promoters were cloned upstream from the Luciferase gene and candidate enhancer elements-downstream of the gene in direct genomic orientation and reverse genomic orientation relative to the corresponding promoter.

About TF

TF name : --
TF experiment: --
TF experiment description: --

About Function

Enhancer function : --
Enhancer function experiment: --
Enhancer function
experiment description:

About SNP

SNP ID: --
SNP position: --
SNP experiment: --

Enhancer associated network

The number on yellow line represents the distance between enhancer and target gene

Expression of target genes for the enhancer

Enhancer associated SNPs